If You Only Want to be Needed When You're Needed: Powerful Quotes to Remind You of the Joy of True Friendship


Are you someone who wants to be needed only when there's a need? Do you find yourself avoiding true friendship because it requires vulnerability and effort?

Friendship can be both rewarding and challenging, but those who value it understand the joy and happiness that comes with it. It's easy to forget the significance of true friendship in today's fast-paced world, but it's important to remember, as it brings about a sense of community, happiness, and well-being.

When we surround ourselves with supportive relationships, where we feel safe to be ourselves, it impacts our emotional, mental, and even physical health positively. Whether we need someone to vent our problems or share our joys with, friends make everything better.

If you're struggling to appreciate real friendship and are looking for inspiration, here are some powerful quotes to remind you of the joy of true friendship:

“A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.” – Anonymous

It's easy to focus on our flaws and insecurities, but a true friend will overlook them and see the beauty within us.

“True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally, never judging or questioning, and supporting you no matter what.” – Anonymous

True friends stick through thick and thin, and they are compassionate and understanding no matter what the situation is.

“Friends are medicine for a wounded heart and vitamins for a hopeful soul.” – Steve Maraboli

Friends not only bring positivity into our life but also have the miraculous capability to heal our wounds.

Cultivating a true friendship is a commitment that requires intentional effort, mutual respect, honesty, support, trust, and much more. It starts with being vulnerable and opening up to someone you deem genuine and worthy of your trust.

If you're struggling to build meaningful connections, consider reaching out to acquaintances or enrolling in a new social activity. Remember, showing empathy and kindness attracts people towards us.

As human beings, we need connection and acceptance to thrive. Allow real friendships to improve your well-being and enrich your life, and you won't regret prioritizing them.

So, if you only want to be needed when you're needed, remember that true friendship goes beyond that. It's about mutual caring, respecting, trusting, and supporting. These quotes only scratch the surface of the beauty that is true friendship. Take time to reflect and appreciate those who are in your life, and keep nurturing those bonds for life.

If You Only Want to be Needed When You're Needed: Powerful Quotes to Remind You of the Joy of True Friendship

When people talk about friendship, they tend to think of mutual support, respect, trust, and understanding. These qualities define a true friendship and they are what most people strive to cultivate in their relationships. Unfortunately, not everyone values the depth and meaning of true friendship. Some people only want to be needed when they're needed, using their friends for validation, convenience, or status, without providing any real emotional support or genuine care. If you find yourself in such a relationship or if you are reevaluating your own friendship style, here are some powerful quotes and ideas to remind you of the true joy of friendship.

1. Friendship is not just convenient

One of the core problems of being needed when you're needed is that it inevitably creates a lopsided dynamic. Your friend only texts or calls you when they have a problem or they need something from you, which immediately puts you into the helper or solver role. While it can be nice to feel useful and dependable, it's not sustainable in the long run. You may start to resent your friend for taking you for granted or only contacting you when they need a favor. Quoting Bob Marley, The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.

2. Real friendships are based on empathy and generosity

According to C.S. Lewis, Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.' This quote captures the essence of true friendship- shared experiences, emotional honesty, and seeing each other as different, but not less than. A good friend is someone who cares about your well-being, listens without judgment, and offers guidance and comfort when needed. It's an ongoing process of give and take, not just when you're needed, but when you need it too.

3. Your happiness does not depend on others

Another common trait of people who only want to be needed when they're needed is that they often measure their self-worth and social value based on how many friends or followers they have, how popular or respected they are, or how much attention they get. They may think that by helping others or being needed, they will earn praise, recognition, or love. But this form of validation is fleeting and superficial. As Rihanna puts it, If you're not happy single, you won't be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men.

4. True friendship is a rare gem

When you realize that true friendship is a valuable and rare gem, you will no longer accept shallow, one-sided, or manipulative relationships. You may go through periods of loneliness or uncertainty, but you can also seek out like-minded people who share your values, interests, and goals. Friends who appreciate you for who you are, who encourage you to grow and pursue your dreams, who celebrate your successes and stay with you through your failures are priceless. As Aquinas Aquino said, Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.

5. You deserve true friendship

Finally, one of the most empowering quotes about true friendship comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote, The only way to have a friend is to be one. This quote reminds us that we are not helpless victims of other people's agendas or needs, but active agents who can choose our friends, show gratitude and kindness, and embody the values we want to see in others. By valuing ourselves and our own worth, by treating everyone with respect and dignity, and by seeking genuine connection instead of shallow affirmation, we can create the kind of friendships that enrich our lives and make the journey worthwhile.Table Comparison:| Characteristics |True Friendship | If You Only Want to be Needed ||------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------|| Basis | Empathy, Generosity, | Convenience, Need-based || |Mutual Respect | || Qualities | Emotional Honesty | Superficial Evaluation || |Guidance & Comfort |Manipulation || Validation |Sustainable& Deep |Temporary & Surface || Value |Rare Gem |Disposable & Ubiquitous || Focus(redeemed) |Self-worth & Worthiness|Status & Attention-seeking | Opinion:Friendship is an incredible bond that makes life more enjoyable, fun and interesting. It is incomparable feeling to have someone to share all ups and downs to feel happy or healed. Everybody cherishes loyal friendship, though, genuine friendships come at a personal investment of time, energy, and authenticity. If you only want to be used when someone requires you for trivial things, it is less of worthiness, genuine closeness, and cheerfulness. Of course, both ways can afford you a 'friend,' a booster, an enabler, or connection but along with it short-term satisfaction of fulfilling dependency, It brings long-term frustration and ultimately leads to parting ways.\

If You Only Want to be Needed When You're Needed: Powerful Quotes to Remind You of the Joy of True Friendship highlights the importance of genuine connections and serves as a reminder to cherish the people who truly care for us. Let us keep these quotes in mind and try to become a better friend to those who matter most to us.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope it has touched your heart and offered helpful advice on the importance of friendship. Don't forget to spread the message and let us build better relationships with those in our lives!

Stay kind, stay connected.

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FAQs about If You Only Want to be Needed When You're Needed: Powerful Quotes to Remind You of the Joy of True Friendship

What is the book If You Only Want to be Needed When You're Needed about?

The book is a collection of powerful quotes that remind you of the joy of true friendship, and encourages you to seek meaningful relationships that are based on mutual respect, support, and love.

Who is the book for?

The book is for anyone who values their friendships and wants to deepen those connections by being a true friend. It is also for those who may struggle with feeling needed or appreciated by their friends.

How can the book help me?

The book provides insights and perspectives on the value of true friendship, as well as actionable advice on how to cultivate and maintain strong and healthy relationships. The quotes in the book serve as reminders of the joy and importance of having genuine connections with others.

Where can I purchase the book?

The book is available for purchase on various online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.